Joint Bayesian component separation and model estimation ======================================================== The main goal of Commander is to perform joint Bayesian component separation and model estimation of the CMB data (see Here we describe everything that can go into a Commander analysis of CMB data; of course, one is free to sample only a subset of the parameters in a given run. Input ----- Data '''' The input is a number of maps, indexed by :math:`i`, each containing the following information: Temperature and polarization maps :math:`\mathbf{d}_{i}`: In the HEALPix pixelization. Noise properties :math:`\mathbf{N}_i`: Currently supported: RMS maps (independent noise between pixels) Mask :math:`\mathbf{m}_i`: Internally the mask is treated as part of :math:`\mathbf{N}^{-1}_i` Beams :math:`\mathbf{B}_i`: Currently supported: Symmetric beams; input the spherical harmonic transfer function. Todo: FEBeCOP beam Frequency band information :math:`f(\nu)`: Either :math:`[\nu_\text{min}, \nu_{max}]` or :math:`F_i(\nu)` Priors '''''' Output ------ :math:`\xi^2` map: ... Instrument parameters ''''''''''''''''''''' Monopole, dipole: One per detector map :math:`i`. Choose to arbitrarily fix monopole at some frequencies. Bandpass shift: Gain :math:`g_i`: Noise calibration factor :math:`\tau_i`: Multiplicative factor with :math:`\tau_i` Foreground parameters ''''''''''''''''''''' Dust :math:`A^d_p f(\nu; T, e) g_\nu`: Priors on all parameters. Synchrotron, :math:`A^s_p (\frac{\nu}{\nu_\text{ref}}^{\beta + C \log(\frac{\nu}{\nu_\text{ref})}`: Free-free, :math:`A^f_p (\frac{\nu}{\nu_\text{ref}}^{\beta_f}` Prior: :math:`N(-2.15, 0.02^2)` CO :math:`A^c_p \alpha_\nu` Specifically, :math:`\alpha^{217}, \alpha^{353}` CMB model parameters '''''''''''''''''''' Currently only power spectrum estimation is supported: CMB power spectrum :math:`C_\ell`, :math:`\sigma_\ell` : Standard inverse-Wishart